Every person has a story & every story matters to God. 

Let me tell you why you're here, you’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We’re going public with this. - Matthew 5


The Prayer

We believe that regardless of how big your need is, God is infinitely bigger. We also believe that this need is an opportunity for God to write the greatest story with & through your circumstance. Please don't do this alone, let us know what we can pray with you about & our Church will intercede with you until we see a miracle, that God would receive all the glory! We can't wait to see what he's going to do!

The Answer

Your testimony is powerful! The truth is, the answer to your prayer is not for you alone, but rather for the glory of God. By telling our story, that's exactly what we give Him. God has called us to be like a light on a stand giving light to the whole house. Please share with us what God has done, we can't wait to encourage our Church family across the world and watch their faith increase!